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It doesn’t matter what tech stack you know, there’s a developer somewhere that thinks the stack they use is better

Java vs Python, Angular vs React. You can find heated arguments about why one is crap and the other isn’t. Sometimes it’s odd how passionately some developers hate specific languages. Every language and framework has its pros and cons, but are any of them really superior to the others? There are a few reasons why […]

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The agile development process is something that all developers encounter at some point in their career

Depending on how well a company implements agile, developers develop (heh) an opinion of whether they like it or not. There are a lot of ways you can start using the agile process and not all of them are great. But there are certain components of agile, like user stories, that are just incredibly useful. […]

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If you plan on doing any back-end development, it’s going to be important you know about interfaces

At first they seem kind of weird, but once you understand what they are you’ll become more powerful than you’ve ever been. You’ll see interfaces a lot in C# because it doesn’t let you inherit multiple classes. That’s where interfaces come in. They let you implement the same methods and variables across different classes. An […]

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When you tell people that you are a web developer they start to see you as a different person

You’ll get questions like, “Why isn’t my Wi-Fi working” or “Can you tell me the best website for cheese”. It can get pretty hilarious when the non-techy people around you start to think you’re a master of the internet and all the things it holds. Once you reveal your web development powers, your life will […]

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Have you ever been on a team and you need to start a project from scratch?

That’s usually the case in many start-ups and other small companies. There are so many different programming languages, architectures, and other concerns that it can be difficult to figure out where to start. That’s where design patterns come in. A design pattern is like a template for your project. It uses certain conventions and you […]

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There are three different environments that you’ll probably deal with at some point

Each environment has its own properties and uses and it’s important to use them accordingly. Once you know what the environments are used for it’ll make since why we have so many of them. The main three environments are: development, stage, and production. Development This is the environment that’s on your computer. Here is where […]

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It’s impossible to be in the tech community and not know about the rise of virtual reality or VR

There are gaming systems, mobile apps, and web apps that take advantage of the features that VR has to offer. The great thing is that if you are familiar with the React ecosystem, then you can jump right into building VR apps! React 360 is a library that uses a lot of React Native functionality […]

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Before I did web development, I was a engineer

I had worked with software before, mainly with robotics and machine learning, so I thought web development would be an interesting switch. I figured that it’s programming and I like to do that, so why not? It was one of the best decisions I’ve made, but there are a few things I wish I had […]

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Millions of dollars are lost every month to phishing attacks

These aren’t the same spammy emails that claim a prince is going to send you money. We’re in an advanced era with these attacks. Now you get messages from your boss or your mom. Scammers have learned how to get our guard down and the main way to prevent falling for an attack is knowing […]

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Nowadays there’s a programming language for everything

It’s not a bad thing necessarily. Although it does leave people who want to learn a programming language confused. There are so many options to choose from for almost any specialty you can think of, so how do you know what to pick? You’re going to invest the time and possibly money into learning this […]

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