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At some point, really early in a project, you’ll be asked how long it will take you to get it done

This is a critical moment for you. You don’t want to put yourself in a bind by committing to an unrealistic amount of time and you don’t want to take too long. Finding the right balance is going to take a little trial and error, but here are a few things that will help. Take […]

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Most development shops have some kind of sprint process in place as a part of their “agile” environment

Not every shop is as strict on what a “sprint” is as others are, so over the course of your career you will see this process handled differently. While some places might include more detail in their sprint methodology, these are the basic steps you can expect to see everywhere. This will usually involve some […]

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In most DevOps settings you’ll find that there are multiple environments in the pipeline

You might have conditions that change the environment based on which branch was merged or when a branch is tagged for release. There are a number of reasons you want to have more than just a production environment, the biggest reason being testing. Keep in mind that every organization does things slightly different. You might […]

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We all know how important web security is because it protects our personal information across the internet

Typically when a request is sent to a server to get access to private information, there issome kind of access token included in the headers. That authorization request is usually someone trying to sign in to one of their accounts. Usually we create an access token to send back when their credentials are confirmed in […]

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I was struggling setting up a new deployment pipeline for this project I’m working on using Conducto, so I decided tomake a checklist to help

Hopefully it’ll help somebody else! Make a list of all of the things that should be included in this release Make sure that any open PRs have been adequately reviewed Make sure that everything is merged or rebased to the same branch Run all of your unit tests locally Do some manual user testing Build/update […]

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As DevOps grows, it helps to know about how it works

One of the big things in DevOps is infrastructure as code. This means that you treat your infrastructure the exact same as you would treat your application code. So you’ll check it into version control, write tests for it, and make sure that it doesn’t diverge from what you have across multiple environments. Handling infrastructure […]

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Cybersecurity is a big concern for many companies

With data breaches happening more and more as attacks increase in sophistication, teams are looking at all of the options they have to prevent them. Since DevOps has taken root as the standard way to deploy applications to production, it’s worth figuring out how to include security in your CI/CD pipelines. Background on DevSecOps There’s […]

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Whether you plan on doing anything asynchronously or not, it’s a nice little golden nugget to have the knowledge of how to it in JavaScript

An answer to the async problem comes in the form of promises. JavaScript promises are basically objects that represent the success or failure of some code that’s been executed asynchronously. This might not sound like that big of a deal because it’s one of those subtle issues that happen in JavaScript. Using event listeners was […]

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Doing anything long enough leads to some… interesting side effects

Web development has its own effect on you after you’ve been doing it for a while. See if you recognize any of these. Ok, this happens with anything but we’re talking about web development here. When you have your first dream/nightmare about code or a particularly difficult client, congratulations! You are officially burned out. It […]

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This is another one of those obscure terms that developers tend to use a lot

Similar to inheritance, it’s one of those concepts that is both easy to understand but hard to explain concisely. If you’ve been trying to find a definition of polymorphism that makes sense, I hope that this will help you. In a nut shell, polymorphism means that you can use the same interface for different underlying […]

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