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You already know you’re in for some crazy code when you inherit a legacy system, especially one that is using a language or library that is outdated

So what do you do when you’ve been asked to both refactor that legacy system and implement new functionality in it? That’s not an unrealistic situation for some web developers. There are plenty of AngularJS applications out there waiting to be switched over to a more modern framework. When you get into the details of […]

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You can’t be in the web development field without hearing about DevOps

It’s like this thing that everybody knows about, but nobody really understands. Hopefully by the time you finish reading this you’ll know what DevOps is and why it exists. It took me a while to figure out its significance, but now I get why it became a thing. DevOps is a way of handling the […]

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Think about this

You just finished some updates to your website or project. Of course you’re excited because you fixed a lot of bugs and you got to show a few people how great it was when you ran it locally. If you’re in a small company or you work for yourself, you might have to deploy those […]

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It’s odd to find a place that doesn’t have some kind of continuous integration/continuous delivery pipeline setup

Using CI/CD is one of the ways businesses are able to respond to users faster and developers are able to push new releases more often with higher confidence. Continuous integration is about bringing the code from different branches together and making sure the code base still works. This is where your builds will take place. […]

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Testing is becoming more and more prominent in web development, especially since DevOps is growing

With continuous integration and deployments becoming a standard practice, it’s important that you know how to keep your source code clean and make sure nothing crazy gets into prod or any of the other environments. One way to do that is with automated testing, although you still have to write those tests. This is a […]

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Big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence have brought up issues with data storage

Believe it or not this affects web developers in some interesting ways. The biggest way you could be affected is if end up working with NoSQL databases because they are completely different from SQL databases. For now you’re safe if you don’t know anything about NoSQL databases, but you don’t want to fall behind. Knowing […]

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We all work on many teams throughout our career

Developers work with a lot of different people, but they know the personalities when they meet them. Web development, and programming in general, attracts people from all backgrounds but you still seem to meet the “same people”. There are some kindred spirits in the developer realm and you’ll run into them almost everywhere you go. […]

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Working as a developer means you need to know how dive into existing code bases

When you inherit a project, there are a lot of specifics that you don’t know, like why some of the code is written a certain way. So when it’s time to go into a hand off meeting you need to know what to ask about. This is your time to get the information you need […]

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From Bayesian statistics to product managers, a machine learning project has a lot of pieces and they all have to work together to be successful

Your team will be made up of people with different specialties and that’s one of the things that makes machine learning so cool. Anytime something cool happens people go a little crazy with it and machine learning teams are no different. Some businesses have taken on the thought that if they have enough data, they […]

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When you work with code every day, you start to notice things that can be done faster or make your code cleaner

It’s one of the skills you develop over time as you get exposed to different projects. Keep in mind that some of the things that help you work more efficiently have nothing to do with your computer. The things around you and how you keep your work area organized impact you. Do you ever get […]

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