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DevOps is supposed to help streamline the process of taking code changes and getting them to production for users to enjoy

But what exactly does it mean for the process to be “streamlined”? One way to answer this is to start measuring metrics. Why metrics are important to track Metrics give us a way to make sure our quality stays the same over time because we have numbers and key identifiers to compare against. Without any […]

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With cloud-native applications, there’s always a chance that something could interrupt your services

Maybe a wire gets unplugged and that brings down your server or one of your services loses network connections that you depend on. These are issues your system doesn’t typically account for in code or infrastructure. You have a way to figure out where some of your system weaknesses are and give those areas extra […]

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Pair programming is an interesting practice that’s picking up in popularity

For some shops, that’s the only way they work. Two developers, one screen, one chunk of code at a time. Usually one developer writes the code while the other observes the code being written. The goal of it is to produce better code and more maintainable code because you have to skilled developers working on […]

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You’ve gone through the requirements from the client and you spent the last two weeks working through the sprint

There is a lot of poorly written code out there in every shape and form possible. We’re being faced with the problem of people getting pushed to produce work too fast and it’s dropping the quality of our code. It’s amazing how quickly some projects get pushed through because they miss some of the most […]

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Flipped Developers are an odd bunch.Developers are an odd bunch.Flipped Developers are an odd bunch

We agree that best practices should be followed at all times. Right? Then we get to testing. Some developers love writing tests and some go out of their way to avoid it. I just wanted to list a few reasons why you most definitely should write tests. When you have tests that your code needs […]

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You know that your website is hosted on a server, whether it’s in the cloud or in that cold closet on the other side of the office

Servers can only handle so much traffic before all of their resources are used up. Once those resources are at max capacity, users will have issues with the website and it will run extremely slow or crash. Before you get to that situation, consider doing some load testing. Load testing is a specific kind of […]

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There’s more to life than writing code or being a technical wizard

Developers should know how to do way more than that or else they won’t remain good developers for long. You can strive to have a great career and still be a whole person. Here are three completely unrelated things that every developer should be able to do: Make new hobbies You have to have some […]

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Has anyone ever asked you what a namespace is?

I had someone message me about namespaces a little while ago and now seems like a good time to do a quick review. You don’t have to have a vague understanding of what that keyword means anymore. To put it simply, a namespace is just a way to keep names separate from each other. That’s […]

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At this very moment, browser cookies have just invaded a small piece of your computer’s memory

With all the stuff about GDPR and cyber-security being talked about all the time, you should know a little background for some of it. One thing you see a lot of is websites showing you what cookies they use on your computer. Cookies get a bad rep when you consider what get really are. When […]

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At some point you might find yourself in a project manager role

You’ve probably been a developer for a few years so you have dealt with project managers before. There’s an incredible difference between the good ones and bad ones. Now that you are on the other side, keep a few things in mind to keep your team happy. Time estimates should have been taken care of […]

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