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Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York

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Many people think software is some rigid, grinding environment

You have a list of tasks to get done and you do them in the prioritized order. What people don’t see is how much creativity it takes to solve those problems. Have you had a client that “knew” how to code, but made up their own set of best practices? It takes a whole lot […]

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Anybody can learn how to code and get really good at it nowadays

Implementing code isn’t the hardest part anymore. Trying to figure out how an application should flow for a user has crept up that list of priorities. Getting that information out of a product manager or project managers can be tricky since you’re all speaking different jargon. That means someone has to be able to translate […]

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When you run a program, you know that somehow, somewhere the code is getting compiled

You might be able to see a few outputs during the compilation, but for the most part all of it happens behind the scenes. It’s like the little black box that we all accept and not many people question it which is ok. But for those of you who want to know a little more […]

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We all learn that you’re supposed to keep your files clean when we started programming

Only write CSS in CSS files, don’t write JavaScript in your HTML files, and other things like that. Then we got more advanced. Separating responsibilities in your code is not only a best practice, it will help keep your sanity when you need to find where a problem is originating. There are quite a few […]

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Functional programming has been around for a while, but it’s really starting to gain traction

It’s a different approach to writing programs instead of using object-oriented programming and it changes the way you think about problems and data. You focus less on how to do things and shift more to figuring how what things are. When you’ve been working in an object-oriented world, like most of us have, it can […]

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Looking for a new job is a lot of work

The search process is a job in itself. You have to make sure your resume is up to par, your cover letter is specific to that job, and all the other stuff. It’s stressful sending applications out into the void and hoping you’re good enough. On the other side, good developers are expensive. As a […]

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We’ve all been bombarded with big data, data science, data, data, and more data

We’re going to talk about data visualization here and how you can use D3.js to handle that for you. If you’re trying to integrate data visualizations into your web application and you want to write everything in JavaScript, this is for you. Learning how to use D3.js isn’t something you just have to do, but […]

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It’s very likely that you are reading this on your phone or some other kind of mobile device

Every day more and more people are getting online on their phones. It’s convenient and it’s not going to change. Mobile isn’t the future anymore, it’s here and we have to keep learning new techniques to make our web apps more responsive. That’s one of the reasons progressive web apps (PWAs) are rising in popularity. […]

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Almost every website is using HTTPS now

If it’s not, Google flags it with a nasty looking “not secure” symbol in the left corner. There are a bunch of reasons why most websites are using the HTTPS protocol and that’s what we’re going to talk about. Let’s start with the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. HTTP is the hypertext transfer protocol and […]

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You have to monitor your reputation as a web developer because most of the time it’s all you have

There are some certifications, but not all companies recognize them and that makes it a little harder to prove that you know your stuff. Here are a few things to keep you in the good graces of the tech community and the people that pay you. Your code speaks for itself. If your websites and […]

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