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There comes a turning point in every developers’ career when they are no longer considered a junior dev

That magical day might be defined by your company or, in many cases, it happens and you don’t have an official indicator. While there might not be clear lines that define the different levels of developer, there are some changes that you will start to notice as you progress on the path. You’ll start noticing […]

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Once you’ve learned web development and you have a good understanding of the languages, it’s time

Time to start using your new skills to start a new career. It’s intimidating at first because you might feel like you aren’t ready. Like with everything else in life, there’s a strategy that you can use to help you get that new job a little faster. If you don’t have any experience as a […]

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There isn’t one entity that controls the entirety of the internet, thankfully

Although there is one in particular that has a significant amount of power. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers or ICANN is responsible for managing the domain name system (DNS) which pairs domain names with IP addresses. You might be happy to know that the U.S. government isn’t in control of ICANN either. […]

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Web developers are in a pretty good position right now

The demand for this skill set is extremely high and the supply of *quality* developers is relatively low. That makes it tempting to get stagnant with your skills because you can probably switch jobs within a few months. You have to stay at the top of your game or else you start to lose a […]

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Cybersecurity has been getting a lot of attention in recent years (thankfully)

People can track everything you do online now and it’s plain weird. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing anything wrong or not. Sometimes you just don’t want someone following you around the internet. That’s not the main reason people care about VPNs anymore. You might want to access content that’s restricted in your country or […]

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Most times you submit a form on a website, you are making a request

Every time you go to a new page, you are making a request. These requests are shoved into a header and sent to another piece of code and then you get the page you wanted. You’ve probably seen the HTTP requests at some point in your code, especially if you work with APIs. Just so […]

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Chrome is hands down one of the best browsers to work with

The debugging tools are great and you can add a lot of other functionality through extensions. These little programs other developers write and maintain can really make a difference in how you get work done. Although, there is a chance you won’t find an extension that does exactly what you need it to. The good […]

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You’ve reached an exciting point in the job hunting process!

The interviewer called to set up a date and time, you’ve practiced all of your answers, and you’re ready for any technical questions they could possibly throw at you. So you show up and the interview goes incredibly well. Now it’s your turn to ask questions. Here are a few questions that you should make […]

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Working in a fast paced environment takes a toll on you

When you are juggling multiple agile projects at the same time, getting overwhelmed is bound to happen. No matter how talented you are or how much experience you have, everybody has a limit on how much work they can do before they need a break. Don’t let your job damage your mental health because they […]

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You’ve tried everything

There are all kinds of console.log message setup. Try-catch statements are everywhere. You’ve looked through the documentation, searched the forums from 2009, and still nothing. This isn’t a regular bug. It’s an advanced bug coming from an anonymous async function that has been hidden behind layers of a framework. The only error you are getting […]

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