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Your web app is most likely vulnerable to an attack right now

In fact, according to this recent survey, 9 out of 10 web applications were vulnerable to attack in 2019, and 45% of production apps had ‘high risk’ vulnerabilities. That’s a serious number. Luckily, a number of tools are available to help you execute security checks, and many of them can be conveniently automated through your […]

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At some point we’ve all said the words, “But it works on my machine

It usually happens during testing or when you’re trying to get a new project set up. Sometimes it happens when you pull down changes from an updated branch. Every machine has different underlying states depending on the operating system, other installed programs, and permissions. Getting a project to run locally could take hours or even […]

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When we talk about the way systems or software behave, it’s easy to forget that there are actually people behind them

Everything we interact with online is thought of, built, and maintained by other people like you. There are project managers, software developers, DevOps engineers, designers, and many more important people involved. It helps to get some perspective on issues that the people in these roles face every day when they’re trying to keep things going […]

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When you start working on large scale enterprise systems, handling releases can become complex

You’ll have to think about your front-end, microservices, third-party services, and other services. Making sure these things get deployed in the right order and pass integration tests can be tricky once you start working with asynchronous tasks. That’s why it’s important to have a DevOps process in place to handle all of these services. Choosing […]

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Voice recognition is a complex problem across a number of industries

Knowing some of the basics around handling audio data and how to classify sound samples is a good thing to have in your data science toolbox. We’re going to go through an example of classifying some sound clips using Tensorflow. By the time you get through this, you’ll know enough to be able to build […]

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Many engineering teams are making the switch to a DevOps culture

This has a lot to do with the way the software development cycle has changed over the years. It used to take months to implement a new feature, get it through testing, fix any issues, and finally get it to production. Now that bug fixes and new features need to be delivered to users faster, […]

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Containers have been around in Linux for years

It a concept where one or more processes are isolated from the rest of the system. The containers have all the files they need to run those processes independent of the system, which is why they have become a commonly used tool for deployments. They solve a problem that many developers deal with across more […]

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Broken authentication

Broken authentication is the [second-highest security risk for web applications]( ). This usually means that session management and authentication aren’t handled correctly. This gives attackers several avenues to get access to data they can use maliciously. That’s why it is important to make sure you get the best practices in place as early in the […]

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There are a lot of ways attackers will try to get unauthorized access to your application

You have to know how to handle them and how to keep your users safe. One of the top ways that attackers try to get into your app is through injection attacks. Injection attacks There are a few different kinds of injection attacks that be used. SQL injection attacks happen when untrusted data gets sent […]

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There are so many weird things that happen when you’re working on a React app

Sometimes you fix a bug in one place and it causes a bug in some seemingly unrelated area. It’s like a game of whack-a-mole and you can approach it with a strategy. Take advantage of all the browser tools You might be able to quickly find the problem by looking at the network tab in […]

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