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When you look through CSS and you start seeing the different units of measure, it’s helpful to know exactly what they do

To help you better understand how the CSS units of measure work, here are some explanations and examples of how the most commonly used ones work. Pixels (px) are the most commonly used unit of measure because there are many standards in web design based around the pixel. Just for your own knowledge, a px […]

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If you’ve done any development with JavaScript, it’s very likely you’ve used an npm package

There are a lot of great packages out there, like lodash or moment, that developers everywhere are familiar with. Some companies even use private npm packages for their enterprise applications. You can find and use packages for just about anything you can think of. But do you know how to make one? There is a […]

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Regular expressions are one of the most powerful, but complicated things you can use in web development

They are pretty cryptic by nature and it can take a while to figure out what they are really doing. That’s why it’s important you understand how they work before you end up with a file that you can’t use. To start, regular expressions are typically used for string manipulation, validations, and most importantly, searches. […]

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There’s no way around working with data

Which is why you need to know the difference between the storage options you have. Some data is only used once in a session and other times you’ll need data to stick around regardless of what the user does. You don’t have to store everything on the database either. You have several ways you can […]

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It’s happened to every back-end developer at some point, especially if you’ve had to work with deployments directly

You’ve made some changes to your APIs or you’ve updated some kind of functionality in a monolith and you’re ready to deploy. All of your unit tests pass, you get through integration testing, and even all the way through QA. So when it’s time to push all of your changes to production, you don’t see […]

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After you get your first job as a web developer, you’ll realize there’s so much more to it than you initially thought

There will be a learning curve and depending on the size of the company you work at it could be pretty steep. Even though you’ll be learning a lot, you’ll still have to deal with deadlines. It can feel overwhelming to have deadlines looming over your head when you don’t completely understand what you’re doing. […]

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Everyone is trying to make their web applications faster, more scalable, and easier to maintain

There’s a huge push moving us more and more to the cloud for our hosting meaning there are fewer shops that have the cold server closet onsite. With everything moving towards the cloud, we aren’t always sure what OS our “server” is using. So we might as well take it a step further and get […]

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Testing is an un-skippable part of any development process (even if it does get skipped in practice)

There are different methodologies you can use for your testing. The two big methodologies being used right now are test driven development (TDD) and behavior driven development (BDD). They both have their own ways of handling testing and they both work best when used together. That’s why it is a good idea to know about […]

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Mentoring is one of the best ways to help junior developers grow their skills

As a mid-level or senior developer, it’s up to you to decide what kind of mentor you want to be. The most important thing to keep in mind as a mentor is that it’s not about you. It’s not about your experience or how eloquently you can write code. Your goal as a mentor should […]

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Every developer needs to know how to use the developer tools in their browser of choice regardless of which browser it is

They all have the same basic functionality so once you know how to use the dev tools in one browser you can use them in all the browsers. Nobody really talks about the different tabs in the developer tools. It’s one of those things you’re expected to know how to use or just figure it […]

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