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Those .config files can be magic box

You know that it needs to be there and that your project won’t work if it’s missing or damaged. One of the scariest things for a newbie and sometimes even experienced developers is messing with the .config files. For starters, it would help to know exactly a .config file is. Like you can probably guess, […]

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Everybody makes mistakes

Especially when you are learning something new. Well, I want to tell you about one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made as a web developer. It was shortly after I had just finished learning web development and started my own business. I had a client that wanted a website for their small business but they […]

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Writing the style sheets for a website is an art

With all of the different ways you can manipulate HTML elements, its important to keep your code as clean as you can to avoid those weird style issues. That’s where LESS and SASS come in. It’s important to know the basic difference between CSS and LESS and SASS. LESS and SASS are pre-processors for CSS […]

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It’s time for another one of those concepts that’s actually pretty simple but people make it more complicated!

Data binding is an important part of any web development project. It’s so important in fact, that it’s responsible for everything from the content you see on your screen to the updates made in your database. That’s why it’s time to learn exactly what data binding is. Data binding makes the link between the user […]

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Have you ever had a really complex programming issue?

An issue where you can probably write out the logic, but you aren’t quite sure of the syntax you should use? Writing pseudo-code is a great place to start. Pseudo-code is “language” where you can write all of your coding logic without writing one line of language-specific code. You see this a lot in algorithm […]

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Sometimes it’s fun to play with code just to see what you can make it do

So I started a small project a few months ago to find a way to mix together machine learning and UI/UX. The project I came up with was simple: update a user’s color preferences based on the colors they focus on more as they browse a page. Is this useful? I’m not sure, but it […]

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For a lot of developers, the last thing they want to do after being at work all day is write more code

Staring at a screen all day does take a toll on you. Once you’ve had a chance to go for a walk and eat something, you might consider starting a personal project. It doesn’t have to be anything to complicated. There might be a framework that you want to learn or a library you’ve been […]

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Every developer runs into some of those annoying little quirks in CSS

They can leave you scratching your head for days, wondering why you element has a purple background and it’s in the left bottom corner. CSS issues like these can leave you feeling frustrated, especially if that’s the only thing holding you back. Of course there are more of these little quirks than I could list, […]

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You’ll be hard pressed to find a developer alive that hasn’t copied and pasted code at some point

Everybody uses copy and paste at some point. It might be code from an old project or a snippet from Stack Overflow. And you know what? There’s nothing wrong with that. Knowing how to copy and paste code can save you hours of time. Although there is a subtle technique to copying and pasting code […]

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It’s time to break down one of the most used, yet vague concepts in all of object-oriented programming

It’s time to break down one of the most used, yet vague concepts in all of object-oriented programming. Classes. There isn’t a web project alive that doesn’t use classes somewhere (yes, web projects are living). Understanding this highly used concept will make your code make more sense to you and it might give you a […]

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