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The internet has been called “the great equalizer”

People all over the world have access to information that was once limited only to those who could afford it. Now you can get a college quality education online for free. There is still more that we as web developers can to make the internet world even more of a level playing field. It involves […]

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In the tech industry, there’s no way you won’t hear about code injection

You’ll be expected to inject code without being told exactly what to do or how to do it and that’s ok because we’re going to talk a little about what code inject is. All code injection means is that you pass in code to other code similar to how you pass in a parameter to […]

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There are times you need things to run automatically for you when it comes to deploying websites

It’s not that deploying them is hard, it’s just repetitive. At some point it may be easier for you to write a short little script that will do all of the legwork for you. That’s where PowerShell can come in. PowerShell is a game-changer when you have access to the server your website is on. […]

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A key skill that every developer needs is smart laziness

It’s important to do the least amount of coding to get a function to work because that will help prevent performance and memory issues. That’s why we’re going to talk about lazy loading today. Lazy loading is a clever concept that can improve page load speeds dramatically. It’s pretty simple at the core. All lazy […]

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Every developer has one of those bad projects

The project that was so poorly planned, so poorly designed that it makes you wonder if this was the right career for you to begin with. If you work as a web developer for more than a few years, you’re bound to get put on at least one project like that. There’s hope though. Every […]

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You’ve probably seen arrows on a website directing you to keep scrolling down the page after you finish a section

These are simple, super effective styling elements that help out with the flow of your content. If you’ve been trying to figure out how to make those elements or you’re looking for a way to draw people’s attention to other information, follow along with this short tutorial. It’ll take you maybe 5 – 10 minutes […]

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I have a challenge for you

Go out to your favorite websites and see how many of them don’t have a form anywhere on the site. I’ll wait. If you actually find some websites without any forms though, drop them in the comments because I’ve only seen this on super old websites. My point is that forms are everywhere. They come […]

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Recently, I had to recover from my own bout of burnout because I was trying to do too much

What started as me trying to learn a couple of new technologies turned into me travelling around and speaking about them which is really cool! But then it started to snowball. I was working on something tech-related for 16+ hours a day and at first it was great. I’ve learned a lot really fast, but […]

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Flipped Coding exists for one reason: to help people with no technical background learn how to code

I remember when I first started learning how to code. I would get so frustrated because none of the classes really explained what these programming terms and concepts mean or when they would actually be used in real life. I left those classes with a greater understanding of how difficult learning to program online. Nobody […]

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There are certain components, like dropdowns and modals, that always show up on the front-end

Requirements might make you change a few things about these components, like styling, but most of the core logic stays the same. If you work with React, making common UI components is relatively easy. I’ll go over a few of these components and show you the code you can use to create them. One quick […]

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